Publications About CARTA

Explore our extensive collection of research publications, reflecting the impactful work of CARTA. Featuring contributions from both seasoned experts and emerging scholars, our publications embody CARTA’s commitment to advancing evidence-based practices and fostering collaboration in African health research.

Sharing perspectives and experiences of doctoral fellows in the first cohort of Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa: 2011-2014.

Medicine, Education, Global Health Action

Resolution of public health problems in Africa remains a challenge because of insufficient skilled human resource capacity. The Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) was established to enhance capacity in multi-disciplinary health research that will make a positive impact on population health in Africa....

The role of mentoring in research ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some experiences through the CARTA opportunity.

Global Public Health

Mentoring is important for improving capacity development in population and public health research in sub-Saharan Africa. A variety of experiences have been documented since Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) admitted the first cohort in 2011....

Transformed through the CARTA experience: changes reported by CARTA fellows about their PhD journey


Transformative learning occurs when a person, group, or larger social unit encounters ideas that are at odds with their prevailing perspective. This discrepant perspective can lead to an examination of previously held beliefs, values, and assumptions....
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