I have worked in the field of sexual and reproductive health since 2006, as a clinician and epidemiologist. I have been extensively involved in the implementation of HIV prevention research in the Southern African setting. Over the years, I have gained theoretical and practical experience working as a lead researcher in a wide array of study designs ranging from clinical observational studies trials to randomized controlled trials and impact evaluation studies. I have a particularly research interest in the interactions between HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and have worked extensively on exploring the impact of HIV/AIDS and ART on the natural history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among women and men. I am also involved in several studies investigating new methods for screening and prevention of HPV in HIV positive individuals. Currently I am part of a team investigating the association between injectable contraceptive use and HIV/STI acquisition. I am also working on a number of as studies exploring the acceptability and feasibility of rolling out PrEP to adolescent girls and young women. I have lectured and supervised students in my area of expertise. I have served as a member of the expert writing team for the Cervical Cancer Control Policy at the request of the South African National Department of Health. I was a part of team of researchers who conducted the evaluation of the first round HPV vaccination programme in South Africa. Currently I am part of the expert writing team that is drafting the South African National Strategic Plan for the control of STIs