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Project Requests and Scholar Applications for the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP)

Fellowship opportunities

The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) is accepting Project Requests from African host universities and Scholar Applications from qualified African academics in the diaspora in the United States and Canada. What is the CADFP? The CADFP is a scholar exchange program for African higher education institutions to host a diaspora scholar for 14-90 days for projects in curriculum co-development, collaborative research and graduate student teaching and mentoring. How do I apply? The CADFP is a... Read More

Deadline: September 18, 2024

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Past Opportunities

July 2024
  • Call for Application: CPE Grant - Greetings from CARTA! This is an urgent notice for those who have initiated the process of applying for the CPE grant. The Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) announced the opening of the second round of the Community Engagement Grant, which will run until July 23, 2024. The grant, worth USD 600,000, is enabled by support from Wellcome. Only faculty and fellows affiliated with CARTA are eligible to apply with our support. We have validated all those whose affiliations could... Read More (Call for Applications)

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March 2024
  • Postdoctoral in Migration and Health In Africa - Applications are open for two postdoctoral fellowships at the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS) at Wits University. These fellowships are part of a newly established Cluster of Research Excellence (CoRE) in Migration and Health supported by the African Universities Research Alliance (ARUA) and The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. The CoRE is a joint initiative between the ARUA Centre of Excellence on Migration and Mobility hosted by the ACMS at Wits University and the Global Health and Migration... Read More (Fellowship opportunities)

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  • Noncommunicable Disease Prevention in Cities - The National Institute of Health (NIH)-Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) funding opportunity supports applications that propose implementation research to reduce the risks of NCDs in the context of cities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations in US cities, with the potential to equip policymakers and practitioners with evidence-based strategies for prevention and/or management of NCDs among disadvantaged populations globally. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunities)

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  • Mobility Programme For Early Career Researchers In Africa To Visit University Of Helsinki - The University of Helsinki has opened a call intended for early-career researchers working in a higher education institution in Africa for a stay at the University of Helsinki. The program supports the best and brightest minds in their postdoctoral research stage, connecting them with world-class academics and leading researchers at the University of Helsinki. ShareTweet (Visiting Program)

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  • Sub-Saharan Africa Young Talents Awards - The Foundation L’Oréal and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have launched the 15th edition of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Talents – Sub-Saharan Africa program to support young women scientists. In 2024, 30 endowments will be offered for the Sub-Saharan Africa region for doctorate (€10 000) and post-doctorate (€15 000) opportunities. Foundation L’Oréal and UNESCO have worked together for over 20 years to help empower more women scientists to achieve scientific excellence and participate... Read More (Call for Applications)

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  • Mobile Health-Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle-Income Countries - The Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle-Income Countries supports exploratory and developmental research to study the development, validation, feasibility, and effectiveness of innovative mobile health (mHealth) interventions or tools specifically suited for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that utilize new or emerging technology, platforms, systems, or analytics. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunities)

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  • Sexual and Reproductive Health Transition Conference 2024 - The Demography and Population Studies Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand is inviting abstract submissions to review the progress made in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) over the past 30 years since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and 19 years after the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The aim is to address the state of SRH regionally and internationally. Abstracts should focus on trends, critical drivers, policy and programmatic interventions, and the future of SRH issues within... Read More (Call for papers)

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  • Regional Hubs for Climate Change and Health - The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and other funding partners are investing up to CAD4 million to fund up to five institutions to establish regional hubs in the Global South. These hubs will initiate and manage research sub-grants on climate change and health in West and Central Africa, East and Southern Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunities)

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  • Call for Applications: CARTA PhD Fellowships 2025 - Call for Applications: CARTA PhD Fellowships 2025 Welcome to CARTA The Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) invites applications for its prestigious PhD Fellowships for the year 2025. CARTA is a collaborative initiative involving eight African universities, four African research institutes, and eight non-African partners. Our mission is to bolster the capacity of African institutions to conduct globally competitive research, with a particular focus on addressing health and development challenges in the region. About CARTA PhD Fellowship CARTA... Read More (Call for Applications)

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  • Multidisciplinary Networks Researching Mental Health Stressors Among Young People - The Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) is embarking on a crucial initiative to identify and address the most salient stressors affecting the mental health and overall well-being of youth in selected countries across Africa. This call is looking to fund longitudinal primary research focused on identifying and addressing knowledge gaps related to the impact of emerging stressors on young people’s mental health. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunities)

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  • Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research - The Einstein Foundation, in cooperation with the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) QUEST Center for Responsible Research, is inviting applications to honor researchers, institutions, and early career researchers around the globe whose work helps to fundamentally advance the quality, transparency, and reproducibility of science and research. ShareTweet (Call for Applications)

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December 2023
  • MRC Centre of Research Excellence: round two: outline application - MRC is looking for outline applications to create new MRC CoREs that will support bold and ambitious research focused on a specific and defined challenge with the potential to prove transformative to biomedical research, health research or both within 14 years. Tackling such challenges will transform approaches to the prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, improving health and wellbeing for all. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunity)

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  • Wellcome Early-Career Awards - This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunity)

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  • BRAIN Initiative: Brain-Behavior Quantification and Synchronization – Transformative and Integrative Models of Behavior at the Organismal Level (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) - This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) seeks applications proposing a set of planning activities that will lay the groundwork for a scientific project aimed at integrating complementary theories and methods to 1) develop, validate, and apply cutting-edge tools and methods for minimally invasive, multi-dimensional, high-resolution measurement of behavior at the level of the organism, with synchronous capture of changes in the organism’s social or physical environment; and 2) develop data science and computational methods that allow for integration of multidimensional... Read More (Funding Opportunity)

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October 2023
March 2023
  • Continuity of chronic health care among forcibly displaced persons (UCPH Global Health Day 14 Sep) - The organizers of a symposium on health care among forcibly displaced persons are inviting abstracts on the topic of ‘Continuity of chronic health care.’ Ten abstracts will be selected for oral presentation and ten for poster presentation, with a focus on experiences of continuity and health system responses. Early-career researchers are encouraged to apply, with half of all selected abstracts reserved for this group. The authors of the ten oral presentations may submit their papers to a journal Special Issue,... Read More (Call for abstracts)

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  • Applied Global Health (Pre-announcement) - This year, the Medical Research Council (MRC) has split the global health funding call into two: research and partnership to address global health challenges and inequities. Proposals of all sizes, including large research projects and small to medium-scale applications, will be accepted. Interested applicants should note the applied global health funding opportunity is now split into separate ‘research’ and ‘partnership’ outline application processes. Applicants are advised to read both the ‘applied global health research’ funding opportunity and this applied global... Read More (Funding Opportunities)

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  • Ageing and health in Sub-Saharan Africa - The International Journal of Public Health (IJPH) – an independent non-profit society journal of the Swiss School of Public Health, open access, Impact Factor (2021) 5.1 – has launched a special issue/call centered around the three priority areas of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: older persons and development, advancing health and well-being into old age and ensuring enabling and supportive environments. Original and review articles relevant to the priority areas and the key topics are invited. Details... Read More (Call for papers)

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  • Science to foster WHO air quality guidelines values - The International Journal of Public Health (IJPH) – an independent non-profit society journal of the Swiss School of Public Health, open access, Impact Factor (2021) 5.1 welcomes original research, reviews, or commentaries on the health effects of air pollution that foster the translation of research to policy and action. Particularly encouraged are submissions of research from low- and middle-income countries that are most heavily affected by air pollution, and typically understudied. Investigations in marginalized communities in high-income countries for evidence-based... Read More (Call for papers)

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December 2022
  • CARTA Research Hubs - CARTA seeks to create CARTA research hubs at our partner institutions as we progress through the third phase of the CARTA strategy (2021-2025) dubbed CARTA2025 which aims to strengthen our proven CARTA approach to research capacity strengthening by establishing research hubs aimed at providing research knowledge, training and expertise in specific thematic areas. ShareTweet (Call for Expressions of Interest)

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  • INORMS 2023 Conference - The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) will host the 2023 INORMS Congress. SARIMA is a membership organization for research and innovation professionals and managers. Its purpose is to strengthen research and innovation (R&I) in Southern Africa and ensure that there is social and economic development of the region. ShareTweet (Conferences)

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October 2022
September 2022
June 2022
  • Project Officer (Kenya) - In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Kenya, ADEA is in the process of recruiting one Project Officer to be based in Nairobi. The position is therefore open to nationals who reside in Kenya. Applications (CV and cover letter) must be sent to adea-applications@afdb.org no later than 13th June, 2022 at midnight GMT. The subject of the e-mail should be “Project Officer (Kenya)”. ShareTweet (Call for Applications)

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  • UK Research and Innovation Applied Global Health Research - Apply for funding to support research that will address global health challenges and inequities. We are looking to develop a portfolio of high-quality global research which will be diverse, promote multidisciplinarity and strengthen global health research capacity. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunities)

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  • NIHR Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation – Call 5 - The NIHR is seeking programmes of applied health research that can strengthen health service delivery and resilience in LMICs in the context of extreme weather events caused by the changing climate. ShareTweet (Funding Opportunities)

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  • ISCB workshop - ISCB is happy to introduce 3-hour workshop Using R/tidyverse to analyze and visualize genomic data intended for individuals with a genomic background and a minimum to little previous programming experience in R. The course introduces the basics of data manipulation in R with plenty of time to practice writing code and working on your own data. It will present how to analyze & visualize processed genomics data ShareTweet (Short Courses, Meetings and Conferences)

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December 2021
November 2021
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