Judith’s main research interests are in communicable disease prevention and control especially malaria and HIV/AIDs. Previously, she worked on HIV/AIDs testing modalities and their uptake and my masters research work focused on factors associated with uptake of a routinely offered HIV test in Health facility settings. However, with time she has moved to malaria and that remains her main focus currently. Although her first degree was a BSc in Nursing, all the subsequent degrees including PhD have been in Public health. She has mostly worked in the field of Public health and all her mentors have been drawn from the same field. Her PhD work focused on risk factors for fine scale malaria heterogeneity in Western Kenya. She have published a couple of papers from this work. Judith is currently working with her mentor as a co-investigator on a funded malaria study on spatial scales of Plasmodium falciparum generations; implications for elimination which will be beginning very soon. She has also been responding to small grant calls with proposals in the same area. Other research interests are maternal child health and disaster risk reduction in health. Going forward, she would like to establish her own niche within the field of malaria as an early career investigator and contribute some evidence through research that may well be part of the information used to eliminate malaria someday particularly in endemic regions in Kenya. She is currently working as a Lecturer in the Department of Community Health within the School of Nursing at Moi University. However, after attaining the current PhD qualification, she has been assigned research methods classes with postgraduate students in the entire college of health sciences.