An Academic Librarian at the Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. Obasola teaches online Literature Search and Reference Management at the Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, University of Ibadan, as an Associate Lecturer. She also coordinates the CARTA Librarian Group. She is a certified Librarian and member of the Nigeria Library Association and American Library Association. Her background is in Computer Science with Economics(Bsc) and Library, Archival and Information Science (MLIS and PhD). Her PhD project focused on the use of information and communication technology(ICT) tools in disseminating maternal and child health information to mothers, as well it influence on maternal and child health practices in Nigeria. She has worked at the British Library in London as a Chevening research fellow, on a project tagged ‘Big Data and Libraries,’ that ended in 2017. Obasola’s research work has focused on the use of ICT in delivering information services to different categories of people, especially pregnant women and young people, health information seeking behaviour , use of library and digitisation projects.