My research interest and aspirations (Post PhD) is to enlarge my horizon as regards publications and real time research. I also aspire to build graduate students under my supervision to be research leaders who could stand tall anywhere among their peers. This had partly been made possible during my post-doctoral year at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, when I received CARTA post-doc grant. The collaboration with other researchers then has really catapulted me, particularly in the area of publications. More so, now that I am also on re-entry grant, the opportunities for collaboration and publications are endless. I have been able to mentor some of the MSc students that I supervised after my return back to work in December 26. Due to the prompt completion of their MSc programme, about 2 of them are enrolled again under my supervision for their PhD. I know I am not yet where I desire to be, but climbing the steps – one at a time gives me the assurance that the future is very bright. Part of the research outputs during my post-doctoral year earned me my present position as a Senior Lecturer and looking forward, part of the output at that time will also enhance my promotion to the next level as an Associate Professor in few years to come. Apart from publications, part of my aspirations is to collaborate with other researchers from other fields of learning to write proposals for research grants. This has also been possible, but the results are yet to be out. I hope that in the very near future, I will be part of research grant award, to conduct research that will influence policy decisions in my country.