Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Community Health Physician, Obafemi Awolowo University / Teaching Hospitals Complex
Centre for Health Policy
Obafemi Awolowo University
I am a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Community Health at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) and Honorary Consultant, Community Health Physician with the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife. I train medical students at the undergraduate level and resident doctors as well as Masters of Public Health students at the Post-graduate level. I also train resident doctors in the Department of Community Health in becoming Community Health Physicians. I am currently the coordinator of the Health Management Track for the Master of Public Health Program in my department as well as the Residency Training Coordinator. I have the Fellowship of the West African College of Physicians in the Faculty of Community Health (FWACP), Master’s degrees in Business Administration (MBA) and, in Public Health (MPH) as well as the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B. Ch., B) degrees. I was the Senior Research Team Lead on the Measurement, Learning and Evaluation project in Benue and Kebbi states (Nigeria) for the Save the Children, Nigeria in collaboration with Save the Children USA and the Research Triangle International (RTI) for four months. As part of my deliverable, I analyzed the trend in the Millennium Development Goals for Nigeria over a decade (2003-20013). I was also once a Consultant to Lagos state on Conducting a Bottleneck Analysis for the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in the state. In my clinical practice, I manage both adults and children at a public comprehensive health facility and provide health services which include reproductive health services, Infectious Disease Control, Children welfare clinics and the General Outpatient clinics to mention a few. My areas of research interest is focused on how to strengthen health systems. My core is in Human Resource Management and Provision of quality health service delivery. In my service to the community, I am the current President of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria, Osun State Chapter, and a member of the Nigerian Medical Association’s Osun State Executive Council. I am also a member of the Osun State Primary Health Care Governing Board.