CARTA seeks to create CARTA research hubs at our partner institutions as we progress through the third phase of the CARTA strategy (2021-2025) dubbed CARTA2025.
CARTA2025 aims to strengthen our proven CARTA approach to research capacity strengthening by establishing research hubs aimed at providing research knowledge, training and expertise in specific thematic areas. From the existing network of CARTA scientists, we seek to identify areas of expertise that will lay the foundation for research in areas of strategic interest for CARTA partners and the countries where they sit in line with regional and continental development agendas. The research hubs will build on and consolidate the research expertise existing in the CARTA network and will bring in new collaborators as needed to strengthen a research hub.
CARTA will provide small-scale support for the initial conceptualization and to facilitate the establishment of the research hubs. A core objective of the hubs is to attain their own long-term sustainability Selection process The selection will take place in two steps: 1) Expression of Interest, and 2) submission of Extended Concept for the establishment of a research hub. Submission of the Expression of Interest is open to all CARTA African partner institutions while submission of the Extended Concept is by invitation only after positive evaluation of the EoI. For more details on the evaluation process see the document “How the CARTA Research Hubs will be evaluated”.
This is the Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI).
- The lead applicant must be academic research staff of a CARTA African partner university.
- The team must include at least one other CARTA African partner institution and one CARTA non-African partner institution.
- The teams can include external collaborators to bring in expertise and skills not available within the Consortium.
- The team must include and build on the expertise of CARTA graduates.
- The work must include elements of the CARTA interventions to strengthen research, research training and research management capacities.
How to apply
Submissions will be submitted via e-mail to with CC to with subject SUBMISSION OF EoI FOR CARTA RESEARCH HUB before February 28, 2023 at 5pm EAT.
Important downloads
- Detailed Call for Expression of Interest
- Guidelines on Request for Proposals
- How the CARTA Research Hubs Will Be Selected