The CARTA fellowship has contributed immensely to my career and academic progression. At the time I was awarded the fellowship, I had only eight (8) publications most of which were published in local journals.  From the period of the fellowship up to this time, the publications increased to twenty-three (23) with all the additional articles published in reputable international journals. Such journals include BMC Public Health, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, BMC Health Services Research, Archives of Public Health, Malaria Journal, Plos One, BMJ Global Health, Maternal and Child Nutrition, Elsevier and Taylor and Francis. In fact, one of the articles titled “Incomplete Childhood Immunization in Nigeria: A Multilevel Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors” published by BMC Public Health was cited by BBC News at this link:

Based on the quality of my publications, I have been invited as a reviewer by different journals and as a guest presenter at international conferences. The fellowship assisted me in improving my research skill to such an extent that I have developed the courage to publish in high-impact factor journals. Apart from the progress made in the area of publication, I was able to attend various knowledge-building workshops, seminars and trainings particularly during my postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. I had the opportunity of receiving trainings in prestigious institutions such as University College, London (UCL), University of Cambridge, University of Bristol and Imperial College. I also had the opportunity to present my research findings at international conferences such as the European Population Conference, Population Association of America Conference, Society for Social Medicine Conference, Mixed Methods International Research Association Conference and International Festival of Public Health Conference. It is noteworthy to state here that through the fellowship, the number of workshops, seminars, training programmes and conferences that I attended amounted to fifty-two (52)! Bearing in mind that before the commencement of my fellowship, the total number of seminars, workshops and conferences which I attended was just four (4).

In addition, the fellowship has facilitated my being honoured with international awards. Such awards include: Visiting Research Fellowship at Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, USA; DELTAS Africa Fellowship awarded by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA); Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by CARTA and hosted at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom; Carnegie Fund for Conference Attendance awarded by Institute of International Education (IIE), USA and; Travel Grant for Conference Attendance awarded by Population Association of America (PAA).


Adedokun Sulaimon Taiwo  (Cohort One Graduate, Obafemi Awolowo University)
Department of Demography and Social Statistics
Obafemi Awolowo University



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