The 8th Public Lecture of the Joint Advanced Seminar 3 was delivered by Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, the Honourable Commissioner for Human Resources, Science, Technology, African Union Commission on February 25, 2021. The theme of the lecture was Science, Technology and Innovation: The Catalyst for Development of the Africa We Want.

The annual lecture is often delivered by a distinguished African academic or professional and is one of the highlights of the JAS 3. This series of lectures focuses on the intersection between higher education, research, and the health of the population and takes on different themes every year.

In her lecture, Prof Agbor spoke of the need to invest more in innovation for development. “As a continent, we should invest more in Science, Technology, & Innovation and put in place the needed infrastructure & human resource. Further, we must invest in education, making it top of the list if we are to deliver world-class graduates,” she said.

Watch the recording of the event here.



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